09 Oct

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Building Board Relationships and Mutual Trust

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Building Board Relationships and Mutual Trust

Oct 09, 2024

The Westwood Union

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Building Board Relationships and Mutual Trust

Building Board Relationships and Mutual Trust- Discover strategies to navigate differences and strengthen the board’s relationships. By fostering trust and enhancing communication, members can better support students and the communities where they serve. 

11 Dec

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Taking a Deeper Dive into the Budget Process and Development

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Taking a Deeper Dive into the Budget Process and Development

Dec 11, 2024

Cranford School District Union

Union County SBA Hybrid Meeting-Taking a Deeper Dive into the Budget Process and Development

Taking a Deeper Dive into the Budget Process and Development- the Board’s Role in the Budget- NJSBA’s Business Administrator in Residence, Charles Muller, will provide a comprehensive overview of how a school budget is developed, and the critical role of the Board of Education in this process. The presentation will explore best practices for budgeting, clarify the audit process, review PILOT programs, and discuss the potential impact New Jersey’s Fourth Round of court-mandated affordable housing will have on a district’s enrollment and finances.

05 Feb

Union County SBA Virtual Meeting-The Rise in HIB Incidents and Student Behavior Issues

Union County SBA Virtual Meeting-The Rise in HIB Incidents and Student Behavior Issues

Feb 05, 2025

Swoogo Union

Union County SBA Virtual Meeting-The Rise in HIB Incidents and Student Behavior Issues

The Rise in HIB Incidents and Student Behavior Issues- This meeting will focus on the increasing concerns related to Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) and provide an opportunity to discuss recent trends, associated student behavior, and its impact on classroom management and instruction. It is crucial to understand the underlying factors contributing to these trends and explore effective strategies to address these issues.

07 May

Union County SBA Hybrid Spring Celebration Meeting

Union County SBA Hybrid Spring Celebration Meeting

May 07, 2025

The Westwood Union

Union County SBA Hybrid Spring Celebration Meeting
